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Meet Andrew Pudewa

Andrew Pudewa is the director of the Institute for Excellence in Writing and a homeschooling father of seven. Presenting throughout North America, he addresses issues relating to teaching, writing, thinking, spelling, and music with clarity, insight, practical experience, and humor. His seminars for parents, students and teachers have helped transform many a reluctant writer and have equipped educators with powerful tools to dramatically improve students' skills.

Although he is a graduate of the Talent Education Institute in Japan and holds a Certificate of Child Brain Development from the Institute for the Achievement of Human Potential in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, his best endorsement is from a young Alaskan boy who called him "the funny man
with the wonderful words." He and his beautiful, heroic wife Robin currently teach their four youngest children at home in Atascadero, California.

Andrew was interviewed by homeschool.com and gives not only a little about the program, but also a little of his background.
You can listen to the interview (one hour) Here

Another Interview was done by ClasicScholar.com

Meet James B. Webster

James B. Webster, author of Blended Structure & Style in Composition, holds B.A. and M.A. degrees from UBC, and a Ph.D. from London University (England). He taught at the elementary level for five years, secondary for six, and as a university professor for 31 years—twelve in Africa. Widely published in his field, he has always stressed creative writing and composition in his history classes. For almost three decades, he has assisted Mrs. A. G. Ingham, C.M., in presenting the Blended Sound-Sight Program of Learning during summer workshops and seminars. Now in retirement, Dr. Webster continues to write, lecture, and tutor in Vancouver, BC, where he reigns over an awesome garden along with his frighteningly intelligent terrier, Foxy.

Meet Lesha Myers

Lesha Myers, author of The Elegant Essay, has been both a homeschool mom and classroom teacher and now operates an independent study program in Concord, California, while also teaching English part-time in a Christian high school. She has also written two history books, His California Story and Continuing the Journey, along with Making the Grade, all available from www.cameron-publishing.com.


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