Midwest Creation Fellowship Essay Contest This an annual event with entry deadline April 30. Contest is for Jr/Sr High students with cash prizes. http://www.midwestcreationfellowship.org/
Sons of the America Revolution Oratory Contest For High school grades 10-12.
Write a speech (5-6 minutes) for presentation. The subject shall deal with an event, personality, or document pertaining to the Revolutionary War and show a relationship to America today. This memorized speech is judged at a live contest. Scholarships or cash prizes awarded to local winners. National competition awards scholarships. Deadlines for application vary for local chapters (likely January or February), deadline for the National finals is June 15, 2007 http://www.sar.org/Youth/Oration_Contest
Veterans of Foreign Affairs Offers annual essay contests for Middle and High School. The middle school contest (Patriot’s Pen) is a 300-400 word essay on a given topic while the high school division (Voice of Democracy) records their 3-5 minute speech on a given topic sends the recording in for judging. You can sign up to get notified of each year’s contest by clicking on “Teachers Scholarship Brochure Request” on the right side of the screen on the scholarship page. Full contest rules and submission forms available at this site. Deadline for essay usually November 1. http://www.vfw.org/Community/Voice-of-Democracy/
Essay Tigers Writing Contest Essay writing contest created by Essay Tigers! Any writer is welcome to submit previously unpublished entries and showcase his/her creative talent! http://www.essaytigers.com/writing-contest
You can search for other contests online by using a search engine such as google or yahoo. Use keywords such as "Writing Contest"