Student Writing Intensive Continuation Course
Includes 9 DVDs of instruction for 36 lessons. Includes all handouts and sample written materials on a CD-ROM for unlimited copies.
A new DVD series especially for your children
For a long time it’s been Andrew Pudewa’s dream to teach and record a set of classes just as he would teach if he could be in your town week after week. Although the Student Writing Intensive has been a successful course and thousands of children around the world have benefited greatly, the common question from parents after completion of the four days is "Now what"? Finally, we are able to announce the Student Intensive Continuation Course (SICC).
36 Lessons picks up where the Student Writing Intensive left off Recorded live during the spring of 2002, this course picks up right from where the SWI leaves off. Students use their same notebook and charts and receive review as well as abundant new instruction in models and techniques not previously presented in the SWI. Along with the source material for each lesson, student checklists and teacher grading sheets are provided. Download the 36 FREE lessons to make this course last you 1-2 years.
This course is not meant to be a replacement for a real teacher using the Teaching Writing Program. It is designed for students who enjoyed the SWI classes so much they just want more, for families or teachers who want to further improve their teaching of writing, and would benefit from exposure to a more comprehensive set of demonstration lessons, or for students whose primary writing instruction does not include Teaching Writing: Structure & Style, but are using the IEW programs to supplement what they learn in school or from another curriculum.
This course assumes that the student has completed the corresponding Student Writing Intensiveeither live or on disc. Although review will be imbedded in the class presentations, the student should have a fair understanding of the ideas listed below. Students who have not completed the SWI course but have equivalent experience may also be able to participate in this continuation course.
New! Now the Continuation Course comes with Free Lesson Plans. Written by Jill Pike, these lessons suggest what portion of the disc to watch followed by several practice assignments to help the material stick. If you purchased the SICC in the past, please feel free to downloadthese lessons. 36 lessons per level.
The SICC courses are designed to be used from level to level across the years as they delve into the Teaching Writing Units at a deeper level each time around.
Group A (Elementary) SICC Content This course was originally designed for grades 4-6, however it has been successfully used for students into their middle school years.
Note-taking and writing from Key Word Outlines
The six Dress-up techniques
Story Sequence
Topic-clincher paragraph rule
Using the lessons plans, these nine discs will provide the teaching for 36 lessons. Many families stretch the instruction over two years.
Disc One: Dress-up review, Story Sequence (Unit III)
Disc Two: Titles, Editing, Topic-Clincher review (Unit IV)
Disc Three: Openers, 3-Paragraph Report & Unit IV Note-Taking
Disc Four: Editing, Openers, Writing from Pictures (Unit V)
Disc Five: Editing, Openers, Unit Vsecond assignment
Disc Six: Homonyms, Decorations, Original Stories (Unit III)
Disc Seven: 5-Paragraph Essay (Unit VII/VIII), Choosing Topics
Disc Eight: Essay Introductions & Conclusions (Unit VIII)
Disc Nine: Letters (Unit VII), Decorations, Review
and Final Exam [Disc 9]
Group B (Middle School) SICC Content This course was originally designed for grades 6-8, however it has been successfully used for students into their early high school years
Note-taking and writing from Key Word Outlines
The six Dress-up techniques & five Sentence Openers (#1, #2, #3, #5, #6)
Story Sequence
Topic-clincher paragraph rule
Using the lessons plans, these nine discs will provide the teaching for 36 lessons. Many families stretch the instruction over two years.
Group C (High School) SICC Content This course was originally designed for grades 8-10, however it has been successfully used for students into their throughout their high school years.
Note-taking and writing from Key Word Outlines
The six Dress-up techniques & six Sentence Openers
Story sequence
Topic-clincher paragraph rule
Basic essay model
Using the lessons plans, these nine discs will provide the teaching for 36 lessons. Many families stretch the instruction over two years.
Disc One: Dress-Up & Opener review, Pictures (Unit V)
Disc Two: Word Roots, Adv. Style, Essay (Unit VIII), Bibliog.
Disc Three: Word Roots, Symbols in Note-Taking, Interview Tech.
Disc Four: Word Roots, Triple Ext., Expanded Essay (Unit VIII)
Disc Five: Analyzing & Imitating Authors’ Styles
Disc Six: Persuasive Essay (Unit VIII), Quotations & Citations
Disc Seven: Super-Essay Model, Letters to Editor
Disc Eight: Super Essay, Quotation lead-ins, Clincher Starters
Disc Nine: Personal Essays for College Applications, review
and Common Goofs and Final Exam [Disc 9]
Class Materials All course texts, handouts, checklists, grading sheets, and sample student compositions are provided on CD-Rom in pdf format. These materials may be freely printed and distributed to multiple students using this course.
If a student has not taken the SWI class but does have some experience using these concepts in a classroom or home school setting, he or she may be able to jump right in. All students should have an SWI notebook containing certain items:
Key ideas page
Style Chart with Adverb List, Adverb Chart, Preposition List
Banned Words pages
These pages, as well as the board notes from the SWI video course, are provided on this CDRom for those who have misplaced or never received these papers.
Student Samples The student samples provided with each lesson are not by any means perfected, but represent the best efforts of the student participants. Last names have been deleted, and not everyones work is included in the collection. Hopefully these samples will provide other students, parents, and teachers with a sense of what can be expected as well as what might be achieved by children of comparable age.
Course Dynamics These classes are designed to be presented one per week, and assignments were given with the intention that the students would complete them within four or five days. With the addition of the Lesson Plans, this course can last for 36 weeks or more.
Beginning with Class 3, grading sheets are provided for those teachers and parents who wish to give numerical scores or letter grades to their students. At this time, the Institute for Excellence in Writing does not offer a paper grading service, although we may from time to time announce in our newsletter individuals who privately provide such a service.
Video Production & DVD Usage Comments Class sessions one, two, and three were recorded without student microphones. Consequently, the children’s comments and questions are difficult to hear; however, the instructor tried to repeat their words as often as possible. Beginning with the fourth class, the students have microphones at their tables and can be heard clearly.
These DVDs are best viewed with a standard DVD player connected to a standard television set. If viewed on a flat panel computer display, the interlacing may create a fuzzy image occasionally and is therefore better viewed with a smaller screen window.
Transcriptions of board notes are not provided with the course materials; however, it should be quite possible to pause the video presentation at certain times that would allow a clear view (and copying) of the writing on the white board if necessary.