Theme-Based Writing Lessons
Enjoy these lessons created to help you teach through the nine units. Although these lesson plans provide weekly instruction, they do depend on the teacher being familiar with the material presented in Teaching Writing: Structure and Style.
Complete, spiral-bound lesson plan sets, these ready-to-use assignments may be duplicated for use within one family or one
classroom. These resources are specifically provided to assist those who are already familiar with the TWSS program, and are not suggested as stand-alone workbooks. Although these writing lessons are broad enough to work with most historical studies, they are not designed to be a history curriculum on their own. Plan to use them in addition to a history text or literature study.
Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons
Bible Based Writing Lessons
Character Based Writing Lessons
Great Natural Disasters
Medieval History Based Writing Lessons
The Elegant Essay
U.S. History-Based Writing Lessons, Vol. 1
U.S. History-Based Writing Lessons, Vol. 2
Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons
By Lori Verstegen. With 21 lessons moving through all nine IEW units, this series uses source texts touching on Ziggurats, Gilgamesh, Pyramids, Mummies, The Trojan Horse, Olympics, Ancient Rome, Persecution of Christians, and more. The appendix contains necessary style charts and “banned word” lists. (Grades 3-5).
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Bible Based Writing Lessons - By Andrew Pudewa and JB Webster
This collection of 27 lessons begins with Unit I and progresses through all nine structural models of the IEW Syllabus. Each lesson provides a specific objective, at least two different translations of Scripture, and a clear assignment with stylistic techniques checklists at three different levels: elementary, intermediate, and senior. The first ten lessons would be appropriate for children grades 3 and up, whereas the last eight lessons would be challenging for any studenthigh school and up. Sample compositions are plentiful, as well as vocabulary development and review exercises to strengthen understanding of stylistic techniques. 131 page. (Grades 3 and up)
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New!Character Based Writing Lessons - By Daniel K. Weber
This collection of 24 lessons begins with Unit I and progresses through all nine structural models of the IEW Syllabus. Each lesson provides a specific objective and a clear assignment with stylistic techniques, and checklists at three different levels: elementary, intermediate, and advanced. These lessons explore the virtues and leadership of three characters of great substanceMother Teresa, Saint Francis and Abraham Lincoln. The lessons are most appropriate for children grades 6 and up who are in their critical formative years of character development.. 126 pages. (Grades 6 and up)
New! Great Natural Disasters CD-rom by By Myrna Martin
Elementary source texts that cover various natural disasters throughout the world. Great for science writing. They are in full color and cover the first two units in Teaching Writing Structure and Style. 46 Pages. (Grades 2-5)
New! Medieval History Based Writing Lessons - By Lori Verstegan
These 27 weekly lessons move through major Medieval History themes as they incrementally teach all the IEW models of structure and elements of style. Easy-to-follow instructions and checklists are included for two levels of students: elementary and junior high. In addition, a Teacher Tips section provides helpful hints, sample whiteboards, and review games to help teachers reinforce the concepts taught. Vocabulary cards (with great pictures to help kids remember definitions), quizzes, and games are also included. 144 pages plus 64 vocabulary cards. Includes all teacher and student materials.(Grades 4-8)
New!The Elegant Essay
Building Blocks for Analytical Writing
By Lesha Myers. Piece by piece, The Elegant Essay walks students through the entire essay-building process. From captivating introductions, to compelling descriptions and convincing conclusions, students learn to bring their words and their arguments to life. With explanation and practice exercises, it is an excellent extension and refinement of IEW Unit VIII. 100 pages. (Grades 7-12).
Click here to view a PDF sample.
Are you looking for the High School Essay Intensive for help with the SAT essay? Click Here!
U.S. History-Based Writing Lessons, Vol. 1
Explorers to the Gold Rush
By Lori Verstegen. This series of 32 lessons provides source texts, practice exercises, vocabulary cards, models, charts, games, student samples, and grading checklists for all nine of the TWSS units. Touching on people and events in US history from Explorers to the Gold Rush, these assignments are ideal for students grades 4-9. One Student Resource Packet is included with the teacher manual; additional copies are available. (Grades 4-9)
Click here to view a PDF sample.
U.S. History-Based Writing Lessons, Vol. 2
Civil War Era to the Present Day
By Lori Verstegen. Meant to follow U.S. History-Based Lessons Vol. 1, this advanced set of 35+ lessons moves quickly into sophisticated research, documentation, note-taking from lectures, advanced essays (basic, persuasive and super), critiques of literature, and thesis papers. Appropriate for grades 6-12, the writing assignments include topics such as slavery, invention, industrialization, WWI, communism, the Great Depression, WWII, civil rights, and more. One Student Resource Packet is included with the teacher manual; additional copies are available. Note: US History Vol. 1 Student Packet(HBW-S) is needed for use with US History Volume 2. (Grades 6-12)
Click here to view a PDF Sample.
Click here to download the updated Teacher Answer Key (page 19)